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Indore Investment:Clean Energy Finance and Investment Mobilisation in India

Clean Energy Finance and Investment Mobilisation in India

This online compendium considers global experiences in the design and implementation of various financing mechanisms that have been used to encourage and catalyse renewable energy investment.

The compendium is by no means an exhaustive list of vehicles that can support the scale-up of finance for renewable energy projects.

It does, however, provide insights to five financial instruments that have been used to increase the flow of capital to renewable energy projects: from small-scale household solutions and early-market technologies to partnerships with financial institutions and issuance of asset-backed securities.

These examples could be applied in a similar manner – or differently, depending on the investment size, risk and anticipated investor profile – to increase the availability, affordability and attractiveness of clean energy finance in India.Indore Investment

In addition, a number of studies considering the tools and strategies to catalyse renewable energy finance are mentioned in the following examplesUdabur Investment. Links to these reports, along with additional complementary information, have been provided throughout.

*Note: renewable energy refers only to renewable power (electricity) throughout this study.

Varanasi Investment

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